This is an Index of Content on Cross Cultural Mythology.
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Aphrodite, an Archetype
Aphrodite, or Venus as the Romans called her, was greatly revered by the ancient peoples who loved to carve her image, write her poems, and tell of her outrageous love affairs. Several hundred years after the Christian church was the [...]
Voices Imagined in Spring
A unique glance at springtime in a season of suffering through imagined voices of the Great Feminine Archetype Me: All these lilies here are my Mama’s lilies. That is, they are the offsprings of [...]
Timeline of Christianity
1000 BCE Jewish writings assembled, the Torah, the earliest part of the text that was subsequently known to Christians as the Old Testament 990 BCE David, already king of Judah, anointed king of Israel, brings [...]
In Honor of That Not Spoken, A Poem by Glenda Taylor
I speak, till you cry out "Partial! Only Partial!" Then I go silent. I paint, until you say "One, only one of the limitless possible," and so I cease to paint. I wish to publish, yet you whisper, "Ah, but [...]
Many years ago, I was privileged to spend some time with an incredible man named Hyemeyohsts Storm. He described himself as a “breed,” his mother being Native American and his father German. Storm was, in my own [...]
The Jewish Tradition, by Dawn Warren
The Hebrew language, culturally considered the Jewish language, has flourished since before the 10th century B.C.E. In Hebrew, the word Torah means “teaching” or “law” and refers to Judaism’s founding legal and religious texts. The Torah calls the Jewish people “a nation”, referring to [...]
Timeline of Some Ancient Writings
Timeline of Ancient Writings In my years of research, I have learned that it is useful to have a timeline of "who said what" "when." As we all know, versions of history and philosophical concepts change dramatically down through the [...]
- On Centering Gallery
On Centering
Change: Quotations, Native American, History and Culture, Cross-Cultural Mythology, Consciousness, Energy, and Matter: Quotations, Psychology, Spirituality, Poetry, Intention and Expectation: Quotations, Mysticism: Quotations, Oneness and Unity: Quotations, Spiritual Diversity: Quotations
On Centering
On Centering The quotations are all from the book The Tao of Symbols, published in 1982 by James N. Powell “…Where is the still center of this turning universe? Are we to bow down several times [...]
Community Forum on Lesson Lesson Eight–In Good Order–In Defense of Civilization
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Community Forum on Lesson Seven–The Medusa Effect–In Defense of Civilization
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Community Forum on Lesson Six–Balance–In Defense of Civilization
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Community Forum on Lesson Five–Father Daughter–In Defense of Civilization
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Community Forum on Lesson Four–Ancient Roots–In Defense of Civilization
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Community Forum on Lesson Three–Vision and Wisdom–In Defense of Civilization
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Community Forum on Lesson Two, Ares and Athena, In Defense of Civilization
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Community Forum on Lesson One, Introduction, In Defense of Civilization
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Jeanette Rankin, First Woman Elected to US Congress
Jeannette Rankin made history in 1916 as the first woman ever elected to the United States Congress. A representative from Montana, she was a champion for civil and legal rights of women and children. She was elected again in 1940. [...]
Navajo Nation Reacts to Children at Border
I am currently camping out near the Four Corners area of Colorado. I picked up a Navajo Nation newspaper, and I noted an article citing the Navajo Nation's reaction to the current border crisis in the U.S. I excerpt portions [...]
- Archetypes: Quotations from Carl Jung Gallery
Archetypes: Quotations from Carl Jung
Jungian, Cross-Cultural Mythology, Consciousness, Energy, and Matter: Quotations, Psychology, Courage, Hope, Meaning: Quotations, Doubt, Certainty, and Humility: Quotations, Individualism: Quotations, Intention and Expectation: Quotations, Intuition: Quotations, Spiritual Diversity: Quotations, Transformation: Quotes
Archetypes: Quotations from Carl Jung
“An archetype is like an old watercourse along which the water of life has flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer it has flowed in this channel the more likely it is that sooner or later [...]
Archetypes, Part One, by Glenda Taylor
The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said that the gods and goddesses of myth are “archetypal” symbols. Jung spent a great deal of time developing his theories concerning archetypes, and many psychologists since Jung have further developed this concept. By now [...]
- Debate and Decision Making: Quotation by Martin Prechtel Gallery
Debate and Decision Making: Quotation by Martin Prechtel
Change: Quotations, Native American, History and Culture, Consciousness, Energy, and Matter: Quotations, Cross-Cultural Mythology, Psychology, Earth and Ecology, Healing: Quotations, Individualism: Quotations, Intention and Expectation: Quotations, Intuition: Quotations, Oneness and Unity: Quotations, Prayer: Quotations, Spiritual Diversity: Quotations, Transformation: Quotes
Debate and Decision Making: Quotation by Martin Prechtel
Glenda Taylor Comments: Yesterday morning I read something that was perfect for me personally to hear on the day of the “Great Debate.” It gave me a delightful and ancient context for our zany and critically important political drama, in [...]
Easter Morning with Dr. Peter Marshall
Glenda Taylor's comment: "On many and many an Easter morning through the years, I have opened a book by Dr. Peter Marshall called The First Easter to fill my being with the deep and present [...]
My Concern For The Children, by Glenda Taylor
My Concern For The Children, by Glenda Taylor South Texas Border - U.S. Customs and Border Protection in 2014; Photo by Eddie Perez and US Dept. of Homeland Security, Public Domain. When my third grandson was born with [...]
Letting History Wash Over Us
I awoke this morning to the familiar cadence of a certain bird that greets each day perched on a bush somewhere outside my bedroom window at dawn. The amazing thing to me is that, daily, my barely-awake mind, without giving [...]
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