Morning Medicine
Morning Medicine I take in, here on the little house porch, seated on a softening cushion in the straight-backed chair Jim Lemon [...]
Morning Medicine I take in, here on the little house porch, seated on a softening cushion in the straight-backed chair Jim Lemon [...]
The cool moss-covered earth beneath me dips into the edge of the Dolores River. Sitting quietly, I am held close on either side by the [...]
As controversy continues in our country over gender rights in general, it is important to remember the struggle for women’s rights and some of what [...]
A friend of mine yesterday started a cell phone discussion thread about elderhood. He isn’t as old as I am, but old enough and experienced [...]
Aphrodite, or Venus as the Romans called her, was greatly revered by the ancient peoples who loved to carve her image, write her poems, and [...]
A Reflection on Mother's Day, maade in 2012 by Glenda Taylor Some of the statistics may vary from year to year, but the [...]
A unique glance at springtime in a season of suffering through imagined voices of the Great Feminine Archetype Me: [...]
Back to basics, then, to when sound was crickets, or surf, or the huffff of a startled deer in the edge of the woods, or [...]
It was on my morning walk early this morning, with my head down carefully keeping my eyes on the trail before [...]
Diverse Reflections Concerning Theme “Settle for.” “Settling in.” “Settled.” “Unsettled.” “A person cannot live long in this world if he does not know these [...]