This is an Index of Content on History and Culture.
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About My Country, Part Two
Transcript of About My Country, Part Two Hello, this is Glenda Taylor. Welcome to the OneAndAllWisdom podcast. This is the second in a series of podcasts “About My Country.” In the last podcast, I [...]
About My Country
Transcript of Podcast "About My Country" Hello, this is Glenda Taylor. Welcome to the OneAndAllWisdom podcast. A few weeks ago, I heard on the news that something had happened at Arlington National Cemetery that [...]
Colorado: A Journey Through Memory
A Visit to Grand Lake, Colorado, 2004 Today I am staying in Colorado in a little rented studio on the banks of the Tonahutu River which cascades through glistening rocks and [...]
It Was Always Complicated
As we struggle with political issues and divisions today, it is important to remember that it was always complicated. Compromise and cooperation and mutual respect were required to be united enough even to come [...]
Today and Then, the Wisdom Applies
Today and Then, the Wisdom Applies In March 1765, well before the American Revolution, the British government passed a “Stamp Act,” which among other things levied a direct tax on most forms of [...]
Podcast: In This Moment
Podcast: In This Moment In this podcast, Glenda Taylor sends a quieting voice during the pandemic, recalling the words and wisdom she heard once from an elder that have steadied [...]
Echoes of Wisdom From the Past: Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine, in 1776, offered his country words that are important today as well, including the following (my uppercase emphasis): "What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a king or [...]
Our Altered Future
All of us continuously imagine what we call the future—the next day, the next year, the next moment. This future seems to have its own reality, there somewhere in the [...]
Ancestry: Contemporary: Podcast: Reflections on Heritage, Place, People, Reconciliation
Podcast: Heritage, Place, People, Reconciliation In this podcast, Glenda Taylor dives deep into the complex and fascinating history of the area along the Sabine River in the late 17th and [...]
Ancestry: Surnames: William Barker, Early Virginia Mariner and Colonist
William Barker, a mariner, had by 1624 been back and forth between England and America several times. He is referred to as "William Barker, Mariner," but he is also referred to as a “Merchant [...]
Ancestry: Surnames: Burges In England Prior to American Colonization: Part 1
Burges in England prior to colonization in the Americas. Burges in England prior to North American colonization include knights, barons, land holders, ordinary husbandmen, distinguished civil servants, tradesmen, a surprising and fascinating number of [...]
Ancestry: Surnames: Burges in England Prior to American Colonization, Part 2
At the end of the previous segment of this manuscript, as is usual when making genealogical connections, we leaped ahead of ourselves to bring in the Burge-Bray connection. We’ll keep the Bray connection in [...]
Ancestry: Virginia Until 1625: Early English Settlement in Virginia Along Rivers
Earliest English Settlement in Virginia Was Along the Rivers Almost all the early settlement in the Virginia colony was located along one of the many rivers and creeks that fed into the Chesapeake Bay. [...]
Podcast: Coping Creatively With Disturbing Social Change
Podcast: Coping Creatively With Disturbing Social Change Glenda Taylor explores, with discussion, story, and history, ways that many of us us deal with disturbing social change and suggests how we [...]
Podcast: Reflections on Heritage, Place, People, Reconciliation
Podcast: Heritage, Place, People, Reconciliation In this podcast, Glenda Taylor dives deep into the complex and fascinating history of the area along the Sabine River in the late 17th and [...]
Podcast: Transitions
Glenda Taylor's many podcasts cover a wide range of topics. Enjoy and share this podcast, subscribe to future podcasts, and find all of her previous podcasts on the links below. You can find [...]
Choosing Jamestown as the Site of the First Permanent English Settlement in North America
Considerations that Shaped the Choosing the Site of Jamestown in 1607 “…Contrary to the impression that will be gained from many of our modern textbooks, the Virginia Company represented much more than the commercial [...]
Lest We Forget, Women’s Suffrage
As controversy continues in our country over gender rights in general, it is important to remember the struggle for women’s rights and some of what it took to get us where we are, lest [...]
We Are More Than We Know
In Cabeza de Vaca's account of his journey from Florida to the Pacific, between the years 1528 and 1536, he tells how the Indians came to him and his companions asking them to cure [...]
Ancestry: Governmental Documents: First English Charter for American Colonization1606
10 April 1606 King James I of England chartered two Virginia Companies, headquartered in different cities in England, to establish colonies along the coast of North America, “which are not now actually possessed [...]
Elderhood, Youth, and Shoes
A friend of mine yesterday started a cell phone discussion thread about elderhood. He isn’t as old as I am, but old enough and experienced enough to qualify as an elder, and a wise [...]
Take Heart!
Take heart! Although the news each day seems more and more alarming, with political divisions and unrest at home and abroad that seem more and more severe and absurd, do not think that hope [...]