Today and Then, the Wisdom Applies
Today and Then, the Wisdom Applies In March 1765, well before the American Revolution, the British government passed a “Stamp Act,” which among other [...]
Today and Then, the Wisdom Applies In March 1765, well before the American Revolution, the British government passed a “Stamp Act,” which among other [...]
As controversy continues in our country over gender rights in general, it is important to remember the struggle for women’s rights and some of what [...]
In Cabeza de Vaca's account of his journey from Florida to the Pacific, between the years 1528 and 1536, he tells how the Indians came [...]
Many of us are exhausted with the various social, political and moral dilemmas of our time. We do well to listen [...]
Keep Walking, by Rumi, Translation by Coleman Barks Keep walking. Though there's no place to get to. Don't try to see through the distances. That's [...]
“…I have come to see that mental states are also ecosystems. These sometimes friendly and at times hazardous terrains are natural environments embedded in the greater [...]
A Reflection by Glenda Taylor, May 2009 Today the daylily that Rebecca Estes’ father hybridized in memory of Shelia and Rich’s son, Kenneth Collins, is [...]
Wholeness and Courage A quote from Marsha Sinetar: “…Wholeness exists to the extent an individual is conscious of and receptive to his innermost self…When we [...]
“An archetype is like an old watercourse along which the water of life has flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer [...]
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "Solitude of Self," Address before the U. S. Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage, February 20, 1892 Being one of her last public [...]