Quotation: On Wholeness and Being, Stephen Levine

"…This vastness at the center beckons us yet deeper into wisdom, and compassion is the Unnamable to which so many mystics throughout the ages have [...]

Archetypes: Quotations from Carl Jung

“An archetype is like an old watercourse along which the water of life has flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer [...]

Debate and Decision Making: Quotation by Martin Prechtel

Glenda Taylor Comments:  Yesterday morning I read something that was perfect for me personally to hear on the day of the “Great Debate.”  It gave [...]

Order and Connection, A Quote from Vine Deloria Jr.

“…From observing the world around them, they could see orderly processes that marked the way organic life behaved.  From the obvious motions of the sun [...]

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