Morning Walk: Inventory
Morning Walk: Inventory watched a stick moving, swiftly, ahead of me saw it glide into the creek and swim, triangular point poised [...]
Morning Walk: Inventory watched a stick moving, swiftly, ahead of me saw it glide into the creek and swim, triangular point poised [...]
Morning Medicine I take in, here on the little house porch, seated on a softening cushion in the straight-backed chair Jim Lemon [...]
Paying Attention? Boring I may be, but not bored, for that so-called vacant stare you think you see is really an acute awareness of [...]
Forgetting... perhaps there's too much to remember, or perhaps there's a need or a wish to repress, forget. But also, perhaps, forgetting is daring to [...]
They say (whoever they are, so saying), a picture’s worth a thousand words. A Picture. A painting. A Photo. An image. Worth more than words. [...]
Through evening air gardenia scented, across new mown meadow and past wildflowers— rocket larkspur, red poppy, black eyed yellow things, the last wild onion blooms, [...]
Beached now, for awhile, safely beyond the wet curving line of surf on sand, beyond turbulence, beyond the boil and spray and splash or the ripple [...]
Back to basics, then, to when sound was crickets, or surf, or the huffff of a startled deer in the edge of the woods, or [...]
I speak, till you cry out "Partial! Only Partial!" Then I go silent. I paint, until you say "One, only one of the limitless possible," [...]
Keep Walking, by Rumi, Translation by Coleman Barks Keep walking. Though there's no place to get to. Don't try to see through the distances. That's [...]