Quotation: On Wholeness and Being, Stephen Levine
"…This vastness at the center beckons us yet deeper into wisdom, and compassion is the Unnamable to which so many mystics throughout the ages have [...]
"…This vastness at the center beckons us yet deeper into wisdom, and compassion is the Unnamable to which so many mystics throughout the ages have [...]
“An archetype is like an old watercourse along which the water of life has flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer [...]
Glenda Taylor Comments: Yesterday morning I read something that was perfect for me personally to hear on the day of the “Great Debate.” It gave [...]
From The World's Religions, by Huston Smith: “Muslims point out that Muhammad incorporated into his charter for Medina the principle of religious toleration that these [...]
“So long as you feel the human contact, the atmosphere of mutual confidence, there is no danger; and even if you have to face the [...]
The word "self" is used in different ways by many authors…However, Jung gives the term a very specific meaning and consequently does not use it loosely… [...]
“The word intuition is derived from the Latin intueri—which has been translated “to look upon," "to see within,” and “to consider and contemplate.” The [...]
The Four Great Vows of Zen Buddhism: However [...]
“In caring for others and serving heaven, there is nothing like using restraint. Restraint begins with giving up one’s own ideas. This depends on [...]