We call upon those who have lived on this earth,

Our ancestors and our friends,

Who dreamed the best for future generations

And upon whose lives our lives are built,

And with thanksgiving, we call upon them to

Teach us and show us the way.

And lastly we call upon all that we hold most sacred,

The presence and power of

The Great Spirit of Love and Truth

Which flows through all the Universe

To be with us to

Teach us and show us the way.



Note: “Chinookan peoples include several groups of indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest in the United States who speak the Chinookan languages. In the early 19th century, the Chinookan-speaking peoples resided along the Lower and Middle Columbia River (Wimahl) (″Big River″) from the river’s gorge (near the present town of The Dalles, Oregon) downstream to the river’s mouth, and along adjacent portions of the coasts, from Tillamook Bay of present-day Oregon in the south, north to Willapa Bay in southwest Washington. In 1805 the Lewis and Clark Expedition encountered the Chinook tribe on the lower Columbia.The name ″Chinook″ came from a Chehalis word Tsinúk for the inhabitants of and a particular village site on Baker Bay.”  from Wikipedia.com