Descent to the Underworld
This video course explores the modern implications of the myth of Persephone, the most revered spiritual power in Greece for thousands of years. More than a mere “seasonal story,” Persephone’s journey is rich with psychological and spiritual depth. Dramatic changes in circumstances forced Persephone to learn to move between worlds and between levels of consciousness, and to find life-affirming value in all of them.
In our world today, when we, like Persephone, can feel overtaken by changes so devastating that they require a radical transformation of consciousness, the seven videos and the varied supplemental materials in this self-paced course allow us to reflect on ways that we too can move safely between levels of consciousness, dealing with loss and sorrow as well as renewal and rebirth.
The goal of the course is to show the relevance of these fascinating stories, images, and ideas to each of our lives, revealing time-tested strategies and values that are vitally important today.
Demeter Mourning Persephone, Evelyn de Morgan, via Wikimedia, Public Domain
Descent to the Underworld lessons include commentary by ancient and modern interpreters of these archetypal motifs, ventures into history and psychology, as well as hundreds of images created by the finest artists of all times, all helping to deepen our experience.
Videos are about eight to ten minutes in length. Each video is followed by supplementary material, including a look at these issues through the lenses of other cultures’ myths, questions and suggestions for reflection or discussion, and an opportunity to interact with the course instructor, Glenda Taylor.
Glenda Taylor has written, lectured, and given workshops
on this and similar subjects in
psychology, cross-cultural mythology, and spirituality
for more than fifty years.
Join her now in exploring this vital theme!
Each video is about ten minutes in length.
Lesson One: Video, Introduction, Demeter and Persephone
Lesson One: Supplementary Material, Demeter as Mother
Lesson Two: Video, A Naïve Persephone on the Edge of Danger
Lesson Two: Supplementary Material, Narcissus and Echo
Lesson Three: Video, Descent to Hades
Lesson Three: Supplemental Material, Some Non-Greek Versions of the Underworld
Lesson Four: Video, Demeter’s Grief
Lesson Four: Supplemental Material, Who was Hecate that Observed the Abduction
Lesson Five: Video, Eating of the Fruit of the Underworld
Lesson Five: Supplemental Material, Hermes, Psychopomp and Guide
Lesson Six: Video, The Return
Lesson Six: Supplemental Material, The Lure of the Depths, Depression and Addiction
Lesson Seven: Video, Conclusion and The Eleusinian Mysteries, Their Meaning in Our Lives