Podcast: In This Moment
Podcast: In This Moment In this podcast, Glenda Taylor sends a quieting voice during the pandemic, recalling the words and wisdom [...]
Podcast: In This Moment In this podcast, Glenda Taylor sends a quieting voice during the pandemic, recalling the words and wisdom [...]
Podcast: Coping Creatively With Disturbing Social Change Glenda Taylor explores, with discussion, story, and history, ways that many of us us [...]
A friend of mine yesterday started a cell phone discussion thread about elderhood. He isn’t as old as I am, but old enough and experienced [...]
Many of us are exhausted with the various social, political and moral dilemmas of our time. We do well to listen [...]
Keep Walking, by Rumi, Translation by Coleman Barks Keep walking. Though there's no place to get to. Don't try to see through the distances. That's [...]
“…I have come to see that mental states are also ecosystems. These sometimes friendly and at times hazardous terrains are natural environments embedded in the greater [...]
Today I had to reach deeply into the sources of my spiritual life, seeking the means to be with, in a sacred way, as I like [...]
Wholeness and Courage A quote from Marsha Sinetar: “…Wholeness exists to the extent an individual is conscious of and receptive to his innermost self…When we [...]
A Grandmother’s Prayer for Young Men, by Glenda Taylor Oh, Great and Good Spirit, behold these many young men, especially those just coming into their [...]